Hero image. Collage of bread, dog, people.

365 Photo Project Update January

Ok, so… I’ve already fallen off the proverbial horse on this one. Not only have I not snapped a daily picture with the gusto I expected, I haven’t even done myself the service of filling an empty posting spot with a relatively easy recap post. But, my excuse is legitimate–I ended January (and by ended, I mean during the last two weeks) with a pretty solid set of maladies. I’ll spare faithful readers the details, but I was definitely confined to home and only good for drinking tea and not moving for awhile there.

With that said, let’s look at what I did manage up to January 31…

One Response to 365 Photo Project Update January

  1. Francoise February 5, 2015 at 5:36 pm #

    The Brussels sprouts and cookies were BOTH delicious and popular!

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