How I use Evernote for Task Management
With many moving pieces and lots of projects going all the time in my life, I’ve struggled to find a task management app that really fits with my workflow and doesn’t overcomplicate things. I’ve tried almost all of them, and maybe one day I’ll write about why each one didn’t take, but for the moment, I’d […]

Shooting Debrief: Night Photography at Shenvalee
Specs ISO: 12800 Aperture: 3.5 Shutter Speed: 20 seconds Focal Length: 18mm Lens: EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS (Yep, the kit lens.) Background Just outside of Luray, Virginia is the small town of New Market. With a number of friends in the area, we were visiting for a community event that put us at the Shenvalee Golf […]

Weekly Photo Opportunities Feb 8 to 14
The Ultimate Megafort 2/11/2015 National Building Museum Yes, you read that right, and it is why I love the National Building Museum. No, this is why: Join others to design and construct a cardboard fort, then engage your opponents in a foam ball battle. Chinese New Year Family Festival 2/14/2015 Smithsonian American Art Museum True story: […]

Photography This Week: Street Photography
In this week’s tour of the tubes, we focus on upping our street photography skills, find competition in helping the climate, and see some of the fastest planes in the world from a completely different angle. Street Photography: Highlights from around the web This Street Photographer’s Start-to-Finish Analog Process is a Rarity The number of […]

365 Photo Project Update January
Ok, so… I’ve already fallen off the proverbial horse on this one. Not only have I not snapped a daily picture with the gusto I expected, I haven’t even done myself the service of filling an empty posting spot with a relatively easy recap post. But, my excuse is legitimate–I ended January (and by ended, […]

Photo Profile: Onions at French Market
If you have the pleasure of visiting France, particularly one of the villages outside the main cities, I can make no stronger recommendation than to visit the outdoor markets. There are few experiences more French than strolling from stall to stall, enjoying small bites of food and purchasing only as many groceries as you can […]

Weekly Washington, DC Photo Opportunities: February 1 to 7
Hi again, folks. After a short respite due to some minor illness, we’re getting going again. To wit, let’s take a look at upcoming photography opportunities around the region for this first week of February… Free Community Day National Museum of Women in the Arts 1250 New York Ave NW 2/1 I’m not sure there […]

365 Project Week 1
This is my first week’s set of photos from week 1 of my 365 project. Again, for those who might not be aware, a 365 project is essentially a challenge to take a picture a day everyday for 365 days. These were all taken with my iPhone, and at different times and places. I’m also […]

Canon t4i vs t5i and upgrading to a new DSLR
A bit more than five years ago, just before my then-fiance-now-wife and I went on a trip to California together, she surprised me with a new Canon Rebel XS. I had been photographing back in high school and some in college, and had largely walked away from it, letting the industry pass me by. Recently, […]

The Photo Backstory: The Family Barn
Photo Specs ISO : 500 Aperture: 2.2 Shutter Speed: 3200 Background I’ve previously posted a Backstory article on an image from the family farm; this is of the barn. When I took the previous image, I was actually set up right in front of the barn here. In any case, this is a structure that […]